
The Circumcision

The Circumcision delves deeply into the transformative shift that occurs within a person’s soul and body during the salvation experience. The circumcision made without hands transcends any physical ritual or human effort; it is a divine operation, executed by the very handiwork of God. Through salvation, the old nature of sin is cut away, marking a decisive separation from the body of death that once bound the individual. This sacred transformation highlights the unparalleled power of divine intervention in reshaping the human condition.

Let Us Pray:

God we are grateful that you did not leave the body out of the salvation experience.  When you delivered us, you delivered us completely.  You have made us your witnesses in the earth.  Lord strengthen us to let our light shine before men so much so that they desire what we have, which is you.  In Jesus Christ’s name I pray, amen.


The Sons of God


In The Flesh