
No Longer Under The Law

Scripture clearly indicates that the sons of God are no longer under the old testament law. This video explains our freedom from the law and our liberty in Jesus Christ.

Let us pray:

Father, I thank you for giving your Son, Jesus Christ as a ransom for me.  For without Christ, I would have no hope.  I pray God that you will help me to not spend my days working to become righteous in your sight.  For this practice is futile.  Instead help me to focus on increasing my faith in your son Jesus Christ.  For it is only through Jesus that I can be saved, healed and made whole.  God I pray that your grace will overflow in my life as I submit to your will and your purpose.  Remove all distractions that will keep me from focusing on you.  Lead me by your Spirit so that I will not become entangled doing the works of the flesh. For you have said in your word that those that are led by the Spirit are the sons of God. (Romans 8:14)  I want to be what you created me to be, a manifested son of God, a new creature who knows and loves you.  God let your grace fill my heart to bursting so that when those in my environment interact with me, they feel as though they have entertained God.  In the name of your son Jesus Christ I pray. Amen.


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